How to start Earning With YouTube With Google Adsense

I know you heard stories about regularly people earning money on YouTube and think, How, I can do this. While earning Lakhs of Ruppes probably isn't realistic, you can start earn cash quickly, if you have a Many subscribers. Follow this Steps to get your videos monetize and start earning cash from YouTube.

मुझे पता है कि आपने YouTube पर नियमित रूप से पैसे कमाने वाले लोगों के बारे में कहानियाँ सुनी हैं और सोचते हैं, मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ। जबकि लाखों रुपये कमाना शायद यथार्थवादी नहीं है, अगर आपके पास बहुत से ग्राहक हैं, तो आप जल्दी से नकद कमाना शुरू कर सकते हैं। अपने वीडियो का मुद्रीकरण करने और YouTube से नकद कमाई शुरू करने के लिए इस चरण का पालन करें।

Step 1- Set up and build your YouTube channel. 

It was very important to make Channel in YouTube for Start earning. Every YouTube account has attached to channel. A YouTube account is the same like as a Google account, and creating YouTube account will gibe you acces to many Google products, such as Gmail and Maps and Gogle drive.

⭐set up and build up your channel
Make your account or id you have existing account so use existing account. Add keyword because it's help people to find your channel. You add keywords by navigating to Advance sections of your Channel Setting. Make sure that your keywords are related to your channel content.

⭐Your client name can likewise work possibly in support of you. In the event that it's short, simple to recall, and unique, individuals will be more well-suited to recollect you. Anyway in the event that you are utilizing a current record, you can constantly change your username by altering it on your Google+ account. Remember, you can change your client name multiple times at most extreme before you need to stand by 90 days to transform it once more.

स्टेप 1- अपना YouTube चैनल सेट करें और बनाएं। Start Earning के लिए YouTube में Channel बनाना बहुत जरूरी था। प्रत्येक YouTube खाता चैनल से जुड़ा हुआ है। एक YouTube खाता एक Google खाते की तरह ही होता है, और YouTube खाता बनाने से आपको कई Google उत्पादों, जैसे Gmail और मानचित्र और Gogle ड्राइव तक पहुंच प्राप्त हो जाएगी।

सेट अप करें और अपना चैनल बनाएं
अपना खाता या आईडी बनाएं आपके पास मौजूदा खाता है इसलिए मौजूदा खाते का उपयोग करें। कीवर्ड जोड़ें क्योंकि यह लोगों को आपका चैनल खोजने में मदद करता है। आप अपने चैनल सेटिंग के उन्नत अनुभागों में नेविगेट करके कीवर्ड जोड़ते हैं। सुनिश्चित करें कि आपके कीवर्ड आपके चैनल सामग्री से संबंधित हैं।

आपका ग्राहक नाम भी संभवतः आपके समर्थन में काम कर सकता है। इस घटना में कि यह संक्षिप्त, याद करने में आसान और अद्वितीय है, व्यक्ति आपको याद करने के लिए अधिक उपयुक्त होंगे। वैसे भी यदि आप किसी मौजूदा रिकॉर्ड का उपयोग कर रहे हैं, तो आप अपने उपयोगकर्ता नाम को अपने Google+ खाते में बदलकर लगातार बदल सकते हैं। याद रखें, आप अपने क्लाइंट नाम को एक बार फिर से बदलने के लिए 90 दिनों तक खड़े होने से पहले अधिकतम चरम पर कई बार बदल सकते हैं।

Step 2 add content-

Try to transfer content that is top notch, and isn't really lengthy. (This choice can fluctuate contingent upon what kind of satisfied you choose to transfer) Also attempt to transfer routinely and remain steady with your transfers.

⭐Regardless of whether your substance isn't incredible from the get go, keep at it. Careful discipline brings about promising results. Attempt to improve every video than the last. You will frequently advance as you go.
⭐Work on your substance by either utilizing a superior camera or attempting better altering programming or strategies. Additionally attempt to further develop the state of affairs shot. Utilize a mount, have a companion assist you or light your scenes with bettering. Everything helps for a superior finished result which thusly assists you with getting a superior crowd. To purchase radiant white lights, you can sit close to a bright window, or do it outside.
⭐By transferring routinely you can assist with holding a group of people. Individuals are bound to buy in assuming you add content on standard timetable, and keep up with that timetable however much as could reasonably be expected. Try to label your recordings with catchphrases that portray the substance, as well as an eye-getting depiction. These will assist with driving individuals to your video from youtube serch.

Step 3 Gain Subscribers-

gain a group of people Building a crowd of people is critical to expanding your adaptation. You really want individuals to watch your promotions to bring in any cash off of them. There is nobody mysterious to getting more supporters, simply create all that can be expected and they will come to you.

⭐In some cases there will be skeptics, so you simply need to disregard them. If you have any desire to flourish, you must be certain.
Continue to transfer content and attempt to get individuals snared. Send your video out on Twitter and Facebook. Share it with individuals. Convey it somewhere else on the web. Supporters are crucial for turning into an accomplice.
⭐Associate with your watchers by answering remarks and making periodic recordings straightforwardly connected with watcher remarks and questions. Interfacing with your local area will bring more individuals into that local area. One great method for doing that is straightforward, yell outs.

Step 4 Monetize your Video-

To begin bringing in cash on your recordings, you'll have to empower adaptation. This implies you are permitting YouTube to put promotions in your video. This additionally implies that you recognize that there is no protected material in your video.

⭐Go to and click "My Channel" on the site page.
⭐Click the connection called "Video Manager" on the top bar.
⭐Click channel and Enable on adaptation.

Step 5 Meet the requirements -

You want somewhere around 4,000 watch hours in the past a year and 1000 endorsers of begin bringing in cash.

⭐You can adapt a video as it transfers by tapping the Monetization tab and checking the "Adapt with Ads" box.
To adapt a video after it has been transferred, open your Video Manager and snap the "$" sign close to your desired video to adapt. Check the "Adapt with Ads" box

Step 6 Set Up gogle Adsense-

You can set up Google AdSense for nothing at the AdSense site. Click the Sign Up Now button to start making your record. You should be 18 years or more established to make your own record. Assuming you are more youthful than that, you will require a grown-up to help you.

⭐You really want either PayPal or a financial balance and a legitimate street number as well as other data so AdSense can check what your identity is and who to send the cash to. You just addition cash per promotion click and a more modest sum for each view however it accumulates over the long haul. For this reason it is critical to have a crowd of people.

Step 7-Check your examination - 

Once you have a few recordings on the web, adapted, and being seen, you can look at the investigation on them to perceive how they are performing. Click the Analytics choice in your Channel menu. Here you can see assessed profit, advertisement execution, video perspectives, socioeconomics and then some.

Utilize these apparatuses to perceive how your substance is resounding with your crowd. You can change your substance or your showcasing on the off chance that you're observing that you're not drawing in your desired clients to.

