What is motorola | Who owns motorola ?

Who is Motorola Country Company?

Hello, welcome to this article and today in this article we will talk about who is and who is the company of Motorola's country. , I am good. That's fine, Motorola even earned such fine names for a smartphone.

So friends, in today's article, we will give you all the information about the same company through this article, such as which country Motoral belongs to, or say where Motorola is. So friends Motorola has made many changes to bring its product in trend. Along with taking full care of his company, making his product very good also attracts the customer towards his product .

What is Motorola?

So friends, when we talk about good Mobiles or Phones, then many such phones come to our mind, such as, many big companies like Samsung, Apple, Asus come to mind, in the same way, many such companies of today like Smartphone. Or is it running in trending in the world of technology.

So in today's world, every person uses Smartphone, in this time nothing is possible without Smartphone and Electronic Devices, because in today's time every work is possible only through device. So friends, let us tell you that in today's time Motorola is a very big mobile company, and Motorola company's phones are also very good and according to all the customers, so maybe this is the reason why Motorola company's phones in today's time. Demand is also very high. So friends, let's now know who is the owner of Motorola.

Who owns Motorola? 

So friends, let us tell you that Motorola company was bought on 25 September 1928 by Joseph Galvin and Paul Galvin and these people had bought this company from 750USD in an auction at that time and this company was a very small company at that time. Had bought that company and rented a small place and then this company was started there. And after that, whatever was the paperwork of this company, it was completed and it was registered, after that only 565 Dollars were left with them. And at this time the company's name was Galvin Manufacturing and then after that this company made a radio named Motorola. Which also became very popular in the market. And after that the name of this company was changed to Motorola.

After that this company had made a very good place in the market and its products were being sold a lot, many people used to use Motorola's phone only at that time and after that as soon as China's mobile making company in the market. Then after that gradually the demand for this Motorola started decreasing very little. And after that everyone started liking China's product and due to this, the demand for sale of this company has reduced considerably.

The main reason for buying Motorola Company by Lenovo was that phones are made in China at a very low price and it costs a lot to make phones in countries like American, due to which Google Company sold its company to Lenovo. Had given. So friends, now we will know where Motorola is the company or say that Motorola is the company of which country, so let's know now.

Motorola is the company of which country?

Friends, let us tell you that it was a Multinational Telecommunication Company of America. Then after that this company was divided into two parts. Which were Motorola Solutions or Motorola Mobility. And then after that the name of this company was changed from Motorola Inc to Motorola Solutions. Then after that in 2012 again that company was bought by Google Company. And two years after that, in 2014, Motorola Company was bought by Lenovo, a Chinese company from Google.

Then when this company was bought by Lenovo, then after that this company became a company of China. And after that this company would do the work of making products like Consumer Electronics and Mobile Phones etc. and then this company started launching many new products.

What to know (Conclusion) 

Friends, in today's article, we learned that Motorola is the company of which country and who is its owner? And I hope you liked today's article. If you liked the information given in this article, then do share it with your friends also. If you have any opinion or suggestion related to this article, then definitely tell in the comment box. Thank you!


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